One Day,

I hope that the trust of each educator can be reestablished so that they can do what is best for children…

What inspired you to become an educator?

My Father. He was a principal, and we were just always around school. I love thinking creatively and plus I loved kids!

What roles have you had in the sphere of education?

I have been a 3rd grade classroom teacher, a kindergarten teacher, and I have been and still am the Tech Facilitator

Why are you still in education?

I still love kids, and seeing that light bulb go on! I also am inspired by the people I get to teach with.

On the other hand, I think it is one of those jobs, though, that you get “stuck” in because to go elsewhere, you would lose seniority and salary, and if you go too soon, you lose a percentage of your retirement.

One day what do you hope for?

I really do hope for education to move in a positive direction – one that is valued and appreciated. We face many obstacles in education these days and are fighting the influences of so many outside forces: a changed family dynamic, media, technology, etc. It is such a privilege, and I think we are in a bit of a decline due to things other than learning taking priority.

I also hope that the trust of each educator can be reestablished so that they can do what is best for children without so much dictated by logistics, forms, and company produced curriculums.